Thank you in advance for supporting our mission to improve the lives of vulnerable children around the world.
You make us GO!
Make a one-time donation with your debit or credit card using the form below.
Want to make an even bigger impact? Become a Do GOoder!
Learn about all of the other ways you can support GO Campaign here!
Donations by check can be mailed to:
2309 Santa Monica Blvd, #437
Santa Monica, California 90404
OR if you prefer to donate using Paypal instead of the form above, please follow the steps below:
1. Log on to your personal Paypal account
2. Click on “Pay or Send Money” on the right hand side
3. Go to “Send Money to Family and Friends”
4. Type in our GO Campaign donations email:
5. Write a note to let us know that your donation should be allocated
6. Click “Next” and on the final page click “Send Money”
7. We will send you a TY letter!
EIN: 20-4542914