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Ghynwine is dedicated to creating opportunities for children living on the streets through education and vocational training so they can become positive members of society.

Ghynwine Rando’s father passed away before he was born and his mother died when he 3 years old. For the next year, he was passed around to different relatives until he he ran away at four because of the abuse he suffered from his caretakers. For six years, he lived on the streets until he was taken in by an organization that helped street children. The center paid for him to attend school and he completed his primary and secondary education. After leaving the center at 18, he found a sponsor to pay for his studies in Uganda. Upon his return to Moshi, he opened a center to help other street children complete their education or learn a trade. The center utilizes the knowledge and expertise of volunteers to teach the youth and help them develop their skills and talents.

By focusing on providing quality attention and services to a small group of youth, Ghynwine and Komboa have positively impacted the lives of 15 children and 20 youth. These children have the opportunity to participate in 7 different programs ranging from job skills classes like tailoring and computer learning to arts classes including music and drama. Many of the youth have even completed a course in first aid training, alongside some of their adult community members.

  • Great Nonprofits 2022