Walter Olando is a lifelong learner and educator. Born in the Nyanza province in Kenya, he grew up in a large family with his parents and 6 other siblings. They struggled to provide for all their children. When Olando finished grade 8, he struggled to move ahead to high school because his parents were poor and jobless; he was only able to successfully complete his education because he received help from one of his high school teachers. Olando graduated as a primary school teacher. He believed that through teaching, he could be of help to his community, and he had a strong passion to help the community. Olando taught English, mathematics, and science for 13 years. Though he enjoyed working with his students, he couldn’t help but notice all the children who were not in school. He remembers feeling great grief and compassion for them because they reminded him of his own childhood struggles.
Olando founded the Bethanny Education Centre in 2012 to help struggling families by giving their children an education. By doing so, these underprivileged families could create a brighter future. Olando believes there is light in their homes now, and he believes this next generation will be more independent and happy. The school started with just 5 students and now serves 250 students in grades pre-K through Standard 8. The school does not turn anyone away regardless of their ability to pay tuition, and the students are excelling academically.