In this constantly evolving climate, the GO Campaign team has been in close communication with our partners across the globe, listening to their stories as they continually adapt to the needs of the children in their communities. We will stay by their sides and support them, as we all navigate through this time together.
Here are some wonderful things to share with you that are happening….
- Despite all schools in Kenya being closed, Kibera Girls Soccer Academy is committed to providing each family with 22 lbs. of beans and ugali (a Kenyan staple made from corn maize), salt, and cooking oil, and soap for the household each week for the next four weeks. They are also providing families with informational posters about coronavirus from the Kenyan Ministry of Health.
- Avalon Carver Community Center is feeding 250 people daily in South Los Angeles!
- Stepping Forward LA is making care packages for 150 children living in six group foster homes in Los Angeles
- Bal Ashram Trust is providing food and soap to Banjara youth and their families as the parents, who work as day laborers, are out of work during India’s lockdown
- Roots in Israel has moved to virtual meetings and their women’s group is filming themselves with their families making recipes at home and sharing it with each other – a virtual potluck/cookbook!
- Prior to India’s complete lockdown, Red Brigade Lucknow’s teams went door to door (to avoid crowds) for 1 week providing over 800 homes with homemade hand sanitizers and a training on how to make more!
- Prior to India’s complete lockdown, Red Brigade Lucknow’s teams went door to door (to avoid crowds) for 1 week providing over 800 homes with homemade hand sanitizers and a training on how to make more!