As GO Campaign enters our 15th year of giving opportunity, we have the joy of hearing stories about where some of the children who were transformed by early GO grants are now. ‘The House that Twilight Built’ (a favorite highlight on the GO Campaign timeline) brings us one of those stories.
In 2010, proceeds from an auction made possible by GO Ambassador Robert Pattinson built a school dormitory for Life & Hope Association (LHA), a GO partner in Cambodia. Dubbed ‘The House that Twilight Built’, the housing gave underprivileged young women in LHA’s Program Advancing Girls’ Education (PAGE) the opportunity to finish high school and pursue their education, careers, and even more opportunities. Prior to a program like PAGE, many girls were forced to drop out of school due to economic and safety reasons.
Local Hero Venerable Lorm Loeurm calls the young women from the PAGE program ‘the future mothers of Cambodia’, as they have gone on to pursue college degrees, prestigious careers, and continue to give back to their community. He shared where one of the students is now.
Sreyna was one of 7 children in her family. She dropped out of high school in 2009 because her family could not afford to continue her education. Thanks to the PAGE program and secure housing made available by the GO funded dormitory, she returned to school in 2010. Sreyna finished high school in 2012, and pursued both vocational training from a local nonprofit and a Bachelor’s Degree on a scholarship from the PAGE program. She graduated in 2020!
Sreyna continued to work and volunteer for nonprofits in the region from the time she graduated high school until she received her Bachelors. Venerable Lorm says, “She is a very good role model [for] change making and [is an example of] LHA’s strategic goal to bring a transformational change to society.”
Sreyna was married in 2017 and now has one son. Her family has a safe home, and she and her husband are both employed and comfortably support their family.
Since construction of the PAGE dormitory, many girls like Sreyna have resided there. The PAGE program has a 100% graduate rate of program participants. GO Campaign is proud to have supported them on their journey. Most recently, Venerable Lorm reached out to GO to share that the electrical system at the PAGE dormitory needed to be upgraded, GO Campaign was happy to respond. We provided grant funding in January 2021 to ensure that girls are able to have light, access the internet, and continue their education.
GO Campaign grants invest in creating sustainable, long term change in communities to help children and families thrive for years to come. The PAGE dormitory is just one of many examples of what is possible when you decide to GO.