Aaboo Varghese is the Founder & Executive Director of Purnata. Aaboo was born in 1967 in Kerala but grew up and completed his studies in Mumbai. At the age of 17, he had a life-changing experience that led him to try everything short of drugs in pursuit of relief. The change was transformative and his priorities changed as well. He became passionate about serving people as his life’s calling. For six years he worked with Oasis India as part of the leadership team, networking with other agencies and learning valuable knowledge. During his stint there, he developed a passion in the area of anti-human trafficking after seeing story after story of brokenness. He also realized the inadequacy of the strategies followed by most anti-human trafficking organizations, whose focus was curative rather than preventive.
Thus, Purnata was born in 2014. He is working hard to find new partnerships with the government, corporate social responsibility programs and other institutional donors. He would like to see Purnata become one of the key players in the anti-human trafficking space and initiate national anti-trafficking hotline and resource center, in collaboration with the government & other NGO’s.