Bikbaye Inejnema must have a business card with extremely small print! He’s a cultural activist, writer, teacher, spiritual counselor, traditional healer, public speaker, and spoken word and rap artist. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology with over ten years of experience in social work, case management, youth counseling, writing and teaching. He works as a ATOD (alcohol, tobacco & other drugs) Prevention Specialist at Avalon Carter Community Center, a Cultural Humility facilitator/trainer for Homeless Healthcare Los Angeles, Art Director for City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, and is the Executive Director of Conscious Youth Global Network. In addition, Bikbaye also directs an after school Leadership Development Program at Tom Bradley Elementary School in South Los Angeles.
Bikbaye founded Conscious Youth Global Network (CYGN) in 2013, after a colleague’s son tragically took his own life at the age of 16. The boy, an aspiring hip hop artist, had struggled with being biracial in an all-white community. Bikbaye strives to utilize art to equip youth with the skills to become positive, productive citizens. Focusing on diverse topics ranging from leadership development to financial literacy to health and nutrition, Bikbaye gives youth the tools they need to create empowered and enlightened content. As Bikbaye says, “The goal is to flood airwaves, the media, everywhere with enlightened art.” In addition to working with young artists, Bikbaye is committed to being a strong role model for adolescent males in his community and ensuring that any youth lacking a strong male role model obtains the support and wisdom to transition into adulthood.