Grace Lyimo, “Mama Grace”, is the founder and coordinator of Kilimahewa Women and Orphan Center for Education (KIWOCE). Mama Grace is a trained nurse, community health worker and former Peace Corps staff. KIWOCE’s is dedicated to improving the living conditions of the disadvantaged, the disabled, and the impoverished in Tanzania.
Grace is dedicated to improving the living conditions of the disadvantaged, the disabled, and the impoverished in Tanzania. Local Hero Grace Lyimo is known as “Mama Grace” in the village of Kilimahewa, Tanzania. A trained nurse, community health worker and former Peace Corps staff, Mama Grace is a longtime advocate for impoverished families and those struggling with disabilities in Kilimahewa and the surrounding villages. She is the founder and coordinator of Kilimahewa Women and Orphan Center for Education (KIWOCE). In an effort to address the alcoholism, TB, malaria and a lack of educational opportunities in the area, she created KIWOCE with 16 women, who each contributed a small amount of money every week to help each other. Grace continues to spearhead KIWOCE and slowly achieve her dreams for the youth of Kilimahewa.
In addition to providing economic opportunities for women, KIWOCE began schooling children in 2006 with the help of a volunteer teacher. The class started with two students and in less than a year, they had over 150 youth coming to their door eager to learn. With the help of GO Campaign, KIWOCE will now be educating 60 students ranging in age from 14 to 18 who are struggling to attend secondary school so that they can continue to learn and hopefully access post-secondary education. Additionally, the Center will provide career counseling to 50 teenagers who dropped out of secondary school.